Sunday, November 14, 2010

a perfect gift

This weekend was full of gifts..the kind of gifts that make you grateful.. the kind of gifts that you see and think.. yes.. yes.. this is perfect..  reminding me again of the blessings of my life..

..the first came from the "baker" (Regina) of my cupcake runners club.. with a few other of the girls.. during coffee and after the Saturday morning run... I was given "a perfect gift" ..  a beautiful crafted picture frame.. with rainbows and hats.. for my mother's picture.. I have written about the memories of her passing and the strongest are the rainbows on the day she died.. and the hats .. her hats .. that all the women wore when she was laid to rest.. a quote about personal character that I love.. all together.. perfectly placed.. 

... The "baker" and leader of our running club has spent the last three or four years encouraging ordinary ...everyday... young and old.. to run.. to "complete not compete".. she is artistic in so many ways other than with paper and glitter.. she creates and colors the lives of everyone she touches.. making them feel value in what they do.. and who they are.. a Picasso of spirit and courage.. how lucky am I to have this artist of spirit and courage in my life....

..the second was my daughter Julia's commitment to walking the Susan G Komen 3 Day... with hurting feet.. cold (for Arizona) weather.. she camped and walked.. right into a hug at the end of the third day.. she walked for me and our dear friend Heather.. she walked for all women that may have.. will have.. shouldn't ever have breast cancer.. and the men too.  She is a warrior.. a pink warrior according to a song about the walk..

In a world were most people are not in the moment.. not here for friends or family .. never think a moment about anyone other than themselves.. how lucky am I .. how blessed am I.. to have two people in my life that spend each day making a difference.. they are a perfect gift.. .

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