Wednesday, September 21, 2011

strong like Popeye

Gianfranco did the Popeye pose.. arms up.. showing his muscles as he told me.. "Don't worry.. I am strong like Popeye'.. this comment coming after telling me that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer..

Our visit to Italy this last year to visit family living in an ancient city just outside of Rome started with the revelation that even in this beautiful land.. cancer still surrounded me. The next few days were a whirl of churches, wonderful food and loving people.. all with the haziness of foreboding that these were to be our last memories of a long lean Italian with a wonderful sense of humor..

Gianfranco, the husband of my cousin Mara, lost his battle this last week against cancer.. at the same time I was listening to inspirational stories about survivors at a Relay for Life Summit.. Gianfranco took his last breath surrounded by his wife, son and daughter whom it was very clear in a two day visit that he adored..and they adored him..

When you are surrounded by survivors.. you forget.. even if for a minute, an hour or a day.. that people do not survive.. there are some that pass on surrounded by love and people whose hearts are broken.

As Mara, my cousin, said in her email.. " I thank you for the prayers but they aren't be enough for holding back him with us, however follow to pray for him and for us that are lost without him"..

My heart is broken over and over as I lose strong and determined friends and family.. but I think I will try to "be strong like Popeye".. make the muscle arm.. and remember Gianfranco in my heart forever..

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