Thursday, March 17, 2011

having a good time lately....

I actually had a regular doctor's appointment today.. a well visit instead of a poke.. peek ..heart in my throat visit... It is with a new doctor.. holistic ... to help me get back to normal.  I took in my list.. 2 cancers in 4 years, 2 major surgeries.. one followed by chemo and radiation.. new boobs.... wait.. turn the page over.. more lists..  higher weight.. double chins.. start crying for no reason..feet are swelling.. . oh and I am getting a moustache because I am not allowed to have estrogen.. and wait.. I gave up diet coke to be more healthy.. my favorite thing.. can't sleep, my heart starts pounding for no reason... wait. where is the second page?? oh it is!!  joints hurt.. I think my nose is getting bigger.. when I get out of bed all.. and I mean ALL of my joints crack and creak.. did I mention my joints hurt.. 
The nurse entering my information - from my list that I now carry - turned and said.. "Gosh.. I think I am going to cry.. you have not had a good time lately"..  "I have tissue" I replied..  "go ahead.. you will feel better".. 

After 20 minutes of chatting with my new doctor.. I had new items to add to my list. adrenal glands burned out.. probably need a different blood pressure medicine.. green tea.. lots of water.. yoga.. walking.. can I change jobs? next item.. blood work.. more blood work..  at the bottom.. in capital letters I write ..I am not giving up.. I may be a bit side tracked.. I have not been having a good time lately.. but I think that is because sometimes I read from the wrong list..

It took me a minute to find the right one..but after a few deep breaths.. I remembered it..  wonderful family.. smart, loving, sharing kids..they always want to come home.. even if just to eat..  watching my granddaughters turn into beautiful young women.. sweet Tim..Arizona's big blue Italian is actually getting better.. good friends... good a love of high heel shoes (even though I seldom wear them)..wearing bunny rabbit ears for the duration of a 5K... Dunkin and Louie my favorite dogs..  alive. alive.. alive.. I need to count that a few times.. 

Life's not about expecting, hoping and wishing, it's about doing, being and becoming.

It's about the choices you've just made, and the ones you're about to make, it's about the things you choose to say - today.

It's about what you're gonna do after you finish reading this ~ Mike Dooley 

Sounds like a good time to me... 

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