Friday, October 1, 2010

veggie soup in a popcorn bowl.. or how we make decisons..

I have been sick most of the week.. had to leave work early Wednesday...called out Thursday and today worked from home just to stay caught up but still feel really pretty yucky..chills..aches.. my shoulders hurt so, so bad.. almost like when I first got home after my mastectomy... ..

I have not been able to walk or run and am going to miss the Ironwood 5K walk up here in Anthem tomorrow.. my boss thinks it is because I am running so soon after my surgery.. she said "you never listen to me".. which is not true.. I do listen.. but I have a tendency to pick and choose what I believe..

I am pretty sure I have the flu and because my 2nd surgery is so close I had to switch this week from Alieve (which works) to bunches of Tylenol (which doesn't) for those enlarger aches and pains that I still have..put flu on top of that and I should be able to sue Tylenol.. for false advertising..

so finally today... I felt like I could eat something....not counting the DELICIOUS cheeseburger my sweet Tim brought me home last night for dinner.....(I made the decision a while back to not eat red meat because it is bad for you)...The other decision (from the advice of my #1 lotus blossom daughter) was not to heat things up in the microwave in plastic.. all decisions made too late in life to stop cancer..too late..  but I stand by them now.. even though I used to do all of those things .. I act like I have been paying attention all along.. and I have never done them at all..

so finally today.. I found myself looking around for a bowl that would do for can of soup in the microwave.. now.. please understand there is plastic all over my house.. for cupcake giveaways and from and for food tidings drop tempting.. just grab a bowl and pour in the soup.. who would know?..I mean the cheeseburger had had not ill effects...  but I held firm

....and used my sweet Tim's ceramic popcorn bowl... it is a small bowl.. he uses it so he won't eat the entire bag of popcorn.. even though he goes back a few times to refill it before he is full.. it work perfectly....

As I sat and ate my soup.. I watched a show (Charlie Rose) that had a panel of scientists discussing why and how people make decisions..(some things just fall into place for me)..  there are simple decisions and complex decisions.. I have come to the conclusions that my decisions are usually simple and because my children may yell at me   I am tired of the aches and pains.. even though I should be greatful for them... and more than ready for this to be over..

now.. I wonder if my sweet Tim will bring me home a bacon burger... ????

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