Sunday, October 10, 2010

Friendships~big and small

It is the night before my second surgery and all I can think about was that today I walked the Susan G Komen 5K along with 30,000 others..........

That 30,000 included a number of people from my work family all wearing their "Radiated Cupcake"
t-shirts, my #1 lotus blossom daughter Julia, Cupcake Runner survivor friend Irma and some of the Cupcake Runners from our club here in Anthem....

I cannot move from my mind the realization that it is times like this that true friendships and love come to the surface, swell out and roll over you in waves....

I could not have done it without them.. knowing they were made me determined to make it.. to walk it.. cross it.... to finish.. My dear friend Irma who first motivated me to finish a race ...ran with me past the finish line..and then there is Heather and Regina..fellow Cupcakes..... who showed up in pink tootoos  with pink bows in their hair ... Heather and Regina.. who ran to catch up with us with our rescue bags of water and pink pom poms and finished walking the race with us..

All people that gave up their day for a promise..and Friendships ~ big and small...

Tomorrow starts a new beginning for me.. another one.. but each beginning only shows me more of the same.. that I am surrounded by a circle of love.. a circle of strength.. I can gather my armies when I need them.. even for hugs... Friendships~big and small.. ..make my circle ..they wear cupcake t-shirts and tootoos with pink bows in their hair...

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