Friday, June 18, 2010

"we're going to fix that"..

My plastic surgeon's name is William Leighton.. both he and his nurse (scheduler) came into the room wearing t-shirts, hiking shoes and pants.. they had been to the "camp" he said.. and came directly back to the office.. to see me..

Now...Dr. Leighton has retired once... got very bored.. and then came back to work. He works predominately on burn victims.. putting their lives back together .. .with pieces and parts..

He has worked on Jason Schechterle.. the police officer that was trapped in his burning patrol car when it was struck from behind.. and exploded.. and he works on kids..mostly kids.. he "fixes them"..

They had been to Camp Courage in Flagstaff that morning.. and they were still in "camping gear".. Dr. Leighton donates his time to "fix" kids that have been burned beyond what we think is repairable.. His nurse told me they do the other stuff to pay the bills.. but they are here for the kids.. he showed us picture after picture of children he had "fixed". . it made my cancer seem like nothing and again reminded me of the goodness of my life.

Both of them were funny and worked together like a comedy team.. they had worked together before his retirement and they were a team again.. old friends.. both committed to a causes and for the moment... to me..

Another discussion of of me.. up close and personal.. (during which he asked totally dazed sweet Tim..."want copies"...and handed him C cup size ball of silicone implant to play with). I was examined and poked and prodded...

"a bit droopy.." Dr. Leighton stated.. "we're going to fix that"

ok.... I am in love with my plastic surgeon... yeah.. just add him to the list of my loves.. Yoga Matt.. shiny Carol.. determined Neidra... and now never give up Leighton..

amazing how our lists of angels on earth grow and grow when we start paying attention to others instead of our selves.. those "fixers" who walk among us.. who realize that there are always someone that needs "fixed" and they are willing to do that because that is who they are.. authentic to themselves.. with tenacity and courage as Yoga Matt says..

lesson learned = look outside yourself .. there are heroes and angels around us.. making life good.. who have no doubts that "we're going to fix that"

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