My journey never stops.. it moves and flows .. sometimes crazy.. sometimes slow.. and if you are lucky..lucky like me.. here and there you receive special gifts... I have received a present.. .. remarkable Jose... my friends The Mikes brought him to me..
The Mikes are a moving part of a wonderful thing called the Melonhead Foundation. This is place of nurturing for families of children with cancer.. and for others that need me.. My sweet Tim and I are lucky.. we have insurance.. we make a living that has enabled us to pay for the cost of fighting cancer.. I was an adult when I was diagnosed... not a child.. not a parent of a child that had to leave their job to cradle their babies fighting to stay alive.. not a parent of a child that did not know where the money was going to come from to pay electric bills, rent or buy gas to get to treatments.. At Melonhead they help those parents and children..They do wonderful things at Melonhead .. including bringing me the remarkable Jose..
Jose is a needle guy.. acupuncture is a wonderful thing... a new thing for me.. and ..ok I am going to share this ... it makes me ping..
For those of you that have never pinged... it is when you feel like all of the neutrons in your body are zapping back and forth.. like a pin ball machine.. remarkable Jose walks around you...putting a needle here... a needle there.. and before you know it.. you fill balanced, relaxed and energized at the same time.. and you ping..
to the needle guy at Melonhead.. thanks
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