"Candle light yoga".. three little words.. sound sweet.. easy.. gentle... my thought when I saw the class on the monthly calendar at the gym.. yeah!!....... soft mat.. good music.. candles.. zzzzzzzzzz..
..to celebrate the 6th month anniversary of my surgery.. 6 months today.... my decision was to jump back in.. I have been walking.. I have been hula hooping with the little round glasses on her head WI person.. but not with any consistency.. so to celebrate my 6th month anniversary... I headed to the gym.. 2 miles on the treadmill... DONE and then some relaxing candle light yoga... got my mat.. got my water.. chatted .. chatted.. "no.. I really don't do too much yoga.. had some medical problems.. this year" .. "yeah I have taken a few yoga classes but really just wanted to do something relaxing" "going to take it slow".. and in walks the instructor.. .. snap.. something is wrong here.. tall.. talllll.. skinny like a whip skinny woman ... no smile..high heel boots which she slipped before she lowered the lights and took her position... ummmmm
"OK ladies and gentleman...let's get started.."..It only took me 15 minutes into the class to realize that a huge mistake had been made.. where were the candles??? and how come my instructor.. all 6ft 90 lbs of her.. HAD NO BONES... Had no bones you ask..??
..... yes HAD NO BONES!
I know this to be a fact.. because how could she have possibly put her body in those positions if she had bones??? Twist that.. sink into this.. lower your chin to your chest.. The reason there are no candles is quite frankly to keep us from setting her on fire and walking out of the room..
Where is my gentle Mark?.. my youngest lotus blossom's mentor.. Mark of the soft encouraging voice.. the spiritual up lifting stories.. the soft wonderful smile?? Miss NO BONES has taken every vision of Mark from my head and now I am wondering.. "if I wrap that leg of hers a little more around her neck.. I can cut off her breathing and escape.."
While I was plotting my revenge including a law suit for misleading advertisement... I realized that .. hey.. wait.. I can do that.. so my knee is a little bent.. wait I know that pose.. yes I can do that.. and as I stopped focusing on getting rid of Miss NO BONES.. I realized that my body was stretching.. and I was sweating.. and it felt good..
I lite a candle when I got home.. and between the Jasmine smell and the Bengay rub.. realized it is was a good night..
Namaste ~
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