Tonight I sat down and for a final time went through the cards and letters that I received from friends (and strangers) over the last 6 months.. only 6 months since my breast cancer diagnosis and it seems so long ago..was it really only 6 months ago that I got that call driving home from work.. I never take that road now.. the road I was on when I answered my phone..
Tonight I pulled out the pile of cards in the dresser drawer... Tonight I read card after card of good wishes.. prayers sent.. help offered.. encouragement.. some from the same people over and over.. some disgustingly funny... some so heartfelt they brought tears to my eyes.. Many were from the TEAM WISH walkers .. team mates of my daughter Julia oldest #1 lotus blossom daughter. Julia is participating in the Susan G Komen 3-Day this coming weekend...she walks not only for some dear friends but now... for me as well...
Julia with the big heart, giggling, John Mayer loving oldest daughter who often in our conversations when this all started.. reminded me of how God put people in my path just in time to carry me when times are tough..
I had just started running and Cupcake Runners Irma, Heather and Regina popped up and into my life.. and 6 months later would cross the finish line with me at the Susan G Komen 5K...
Heather from TEAM WISH brought me dinner and an oncologist card.. Heather .. sweet Heather who is again fighting breast cancer and now I am bringing her saddens me that this is how I am repaying her gift..
The Lindas from TEAM is Heather's mom and the other started the team here in Anthem.. I see them training for the 3-day walk every Saturday and when they see me out with the Cupcakes.. they yell "it's Julia's mom" and I get hugs all around.. words of support. Many of those walkers know about clean up time.. get down time.. and getting better time.. many are survivors...
My work family that were always there for me.. making sure I could get through the days..when I could barely keep from work family has gone through a lot of things this year and we held each other up.
I would like a better word than survivor.. that seems to me a word that means you do not have a choice... instead of growing....learning.. changing.. it is so much more than surviving.. it is opportunities that may have been lost if things were different..
I think I will drive the old way home tomorrow.. clean up time..get down time.. get better time.. it's time
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